The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

3 Ways to Stay Active This Fall

This post is sponsored by Walmart.

Walmart has tons of fall sports equipment to keep your family active
Today I'm highlighting three ways to stay active with your family this fall, and the best part is, you'll have fun doing it! With the changing seasons, it can be harder to get outdoors so I'm always looking for little incentives to keep moving, get away from screens and get the heart rate up!

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First up is this $35 LED light up bean bag toss game. You can use it indoors or outdoors (or in the dark!) We're having a lot of fun with this, and I think it would make a great gift, too.

Walmart has tons of fall sports equipment to keep your family active

Next, we started playing badminton during our summer vacation (the cabin we stayed at had a set) so I purchased a set for our house for just $8. I'm low-key obsessed, it's just so much fun and you don't even notice that you're getting a workout in at the same time!

Walmart has tons of fall sports equipment to keep your family active

Finally we invested in a 50" portable basketball hoop for our driveway and it is the best; it gets all my children and my husband out every day to shoot a few hoops and run around a bit. Highly recommend!

Walmart has tons of fall sports equipment to keep your family active

Whether you need the latest sports gear or want to try a new hobby, Walmart has all the sports games and equipment you need to make it happen. xoBB

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