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What's Your Winter Uniform?

I love winter, but I hate being cold. The simplest way to stay warm and stylish is with what I like to call a "winter uniform" - a few classically chic pieces that can be mixed and matched and worn just about every day, everywhere - ALL winter long.

This winter, my uniform consists of a black wool peacoat (distinguished by antique star-shaped bronze buttons and a colorful satin lining), black knee-high leather boots with a short heel, a black oversized faux-leather handbag, and dark wash skinny jeans. Fabulous gloves and scarves round out the look and add a personal touch, not to mention more snuggly warmth.

Strolling around town this weekend, I noticed I was certainly not alone in my thinking - seems like every fashionable gal was wearing some combination of the following:
  • Dark colors: Strategically mixing black, navy and brown is no longer a fashion faux-pas

  • Large leather purse and coordinating knee-high boots: Nothing too matchy. Make sure boots are comfy and waterproofed. Big purses are a fashion statement - don't overpack.

  • Dark tights: Along with gray, black and navy, deep purple or blue work well, as do textured styles.

  • Scarves, especially the pashmina kind are everywhere - and they are fab.

  • Black: It's always in style.

  • Wool coats: All you need is one great fitting, warm wool coat. Look for one with a belt (or add your own) to create a slimming silhouette. In addition to black, I love wool coats in red or houndstooth.

  • Flat or low-heeled knee high boots in dark brown or black leather: Choose wisely according to how much walking you do; pick a heel that can withstand ice and snow.

The best part of having a winter uniform is that all its essential components (listed above) can be purchased at reasonable prices. You also can't go wrong spending a little bit more on pieces you'll wear season after season, say, a black wool coat or sturdy leather boots. Buy inexpensive accessories like scarves, tights, gloves, hats, leg warmers, belts and yes, even handbags, at budget fashion shops like H&M, Forever 21 or Target. These add instant character and renovate your look.

Share details of your winter uniform in the comments.

Here are some pics I snapped to showcase a classic "east coast" winter uniform. The first two photos demonstrate this pretty well.

Looks like these girls were going out; as temps drop, I'm guessing they'll add tights and boots, too...

my winter uniform is pretty much the same, with just a slight variation, my uniform consists of: Hip length black down jacket, dark denim skinny jeans, flat black knee-high puma boots, and a black knit beanie hat- stylish and fashionable yet casual enough for everyday- I love it!
#1 Peaches (Homepage) on 2007-12-09 21:17 (Reply)
I wish it got cold in Hawaii...all of these winter coats are lovely!
#2 Mariko on 2007-12-09 23:19 (Reply)
I love black skinny jeans, black low heel riding boots, black turtlenecks, brown or black big bag and my favorite green and black houndstooth pashmina. I usually keep warm with my gray or brown leather jacket. Love winter!!!
#3 Taylor on 2007-12-10 10:21 (Reply)
leather jackets are very hot this season. love your color choices - subdued yet complex.
#4 The Budget Babe on 2007-12-10 22:51 (Reply)
wanna trade places?? :-)
#5 The Budget Babe on 2007-12-10 22:53 (Reply)
sounds cute and warm - those knee high pumas must be fierce :-)
#6 The Budget Babe on 2007-12-10 22:54 (Reply)
I have a black knee length down coat for every day, a long black wool dress coat (Stella McCartney for H&M!), various scarves (faves are a charcoal gray chunky knit and a black rabbit fur short scarf/collar which I wear with the dress coat or an Italian-style motorcycle jacket), dark wash bootcut jeans, brightly colored sweaters, low-heeled black leather boots, and a big black or metallic charcoal bag. I wear a lot of black even in the summer. :-P
#7 cathy (Homepage) on 2007-12-12 19:35 (Reply)
Hey, nothing wrong with black! it's definitely one of my perennial favorites. And layering various textures of black with other dark hues (as you've done) can't be beat for winter.
#8 The Budget Babe on 2007-12-13 12:16 (Reply)
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