The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Who, What, Why: Coutorture

Recently, we became a proud member of Coutorture, a fashion blogging community that gives fashion lovers news and commentary in one great location. Why did we join? Because we long-admired Coutorture's incredible, high-caliber content as well as their mission and purpose to gain greater visibility for its members and give fashion bloggers a stronger voice in the fashion community.

We also joined in hopes of learning more about making our blog a success, connecting with other style-obsessed writers, and expanding our readership. Most of all, we joined in hope of being able to offer our readers more cool stuff. Happily, Coutorture is helping us in all of these arenas. Note, for example, the awesome weekly giveaway in our right nav, courtesy of Coutorture. It's something we could not have offered our readers without said blissful association - so be sure to take advantage and ENTER!

We are just beginning to explore the possibilities that Coutorture has to offer its members, and by extension, our readers. Thanks to all our fans for your support - and here's to bigger and better things at The Budget Babe.

The Budget Babe

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