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Pinter-Test: Can This Pantry Staple Give You All Day Shine-Free Skin?

Add cornstarch to makeup for shine-free skin.

Each week, we put a different claim found on Pinterest to the test (hence, Pinter-test! Get it?!)

I, like a lot of other people, struggle with oily skin throughout the day. Nothing makes me feel as self conscious as an oily t-zone by noon. I've tried every "oil-control" foundation out there, blotting sheets and mattifying powder. While they help (some more than others), nothing has left me 100% satisfied.

While Pinteresting, I came across this tip saying just a little cornstarch could do the trick. Supposedly, mixing cornstarch with my powder foundation would create a matte, shine-free finish with long lasting results. I was so excited to try this, and even more excited when a whole box of cornstarch cost me only $1.00!
Just a little background: Here are the items I use daily for my skin.

My everyday makeup

I love all these products, especially the Loreal powder. I’ve used it for as long as I can remember!

All I did for this test is dip the end of my powder brush into the cornstarch. I then tapped off all excess so just a little remained on the brush. I mixed the cornstarch with my Loreal powder and wa-la! I focused most of the application to my nose, chin and between my brows, where I accumulate the most oil. I applied my makeup about 7:00am. At 2:00, I was still shine free!

Cornstarch plus makeup equals no shine!

I will definitely be using this trick in the future. Do you have any tricks for controlling shine? I would love to hear them! Don’t forget to tweet @allyssaamarie for Pinter-test suggestions!

I keep testing foundations that are supposed to keep you matte and none of them work all day! I always wonder if companies are really testing these on people with oily skin! So frustrating!
#1 Amanda on 2013-09-13 08:42 (Reply)
I will definitely be trying this corn starch method. Thanks for the tip!
#2 Alicia on 2013-09-13 09:09 (Reply)
I have the same issue! One thing I have found to help is the primer. I was almost persuaded to purchase Urban Decay's Beauty Balm but decided with the Rimmel instead (much cheaper). Hopefully this corn starch trick and work some magic for you, too :-)
#3 Allyssa on 2013-09-13 16:08 (Reply)
I can't wait to try this! I use neutrogena shine control powder which keeps me matte without caking but I have to reapply every 4 hours or so. I'm excited to see if cornstarch works for me, thanks!
#4 Chloe (Homepage) on 2013-09-15 01:58 (Reply)
Does Sally Hansen still make Cornsilk? It is a finishing powder in a compact that already has cornsilk in it.
#5 Lydia on 2013-09-16 06:32 (Reply)
I've heard about this but I'll have to try it. Also, I love the Maybelline FIT Me stick; it keeps the shine away longer than most of my other foundations. I typically dust some Bare Minerals Boost & Balance powder on top but I may try mixing with corn starch! Thanks!
#6 steen on 2013-09-16 13:18 (Reply)
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