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Budget DIY: 2-Ingredient All-Natural Makeup Remover

DIY 2 ingredient all natural eye makeup remover

Hi, Budget Babes! Dianna (aka The Budget Babe) recently tweeted me this DIY idea and I couldn't wait to try. I am guilty of spending way too much money on makeup remover wipes for my eye makeup, so I was really excited to try this out. It worked AMAZING and I couldn't be happier with the results. The best part is that you can probably make this right now.
DIY 2 ingredient all natural eye makeup remover

Two ingredients: Filtered water and extra virgin olive oil. That's it! If you have a water bottle or something with a narrow top, any container will work. I picked up a cute container from Hobby Lobby with a cork lid.

DIY 2 ingredient all natural eye makeup remover

Step one: Fill your container with water. I filled it up about half way. Any kind of filtered water will work, whether it's from your fridge, a bottle or a filtered container you keep in your home.

Step two: Add some olive oil! I used about 1/3 of the amount of water. I looked around online for a better idea how much I would need, and it seemed to vary. Some women talked about how they don't dilute it at all and use straight olive oil! Some used mostly water and only a tiny bit of oil. This ratio worked great for me.

DIY 2 ingredient all natural eye makeup remover

I tied a little pink ribbon to add some personality and keep it on my sink for nightly use. Here are some of my observations/tips for this DIY.

  • I do not use waterproof mascara or eyeliner. If you do, consider a little more olive oil to break that makeup down (since the water will be ineffective for you!)
  • I use a cotton ball to wipe/break down the makeup, and then wash my face including my eye area. This gets rid of all the makeup. This method does leave some smearing, but after washing the area with my normal facial cleanser, I am left completely makeup-free.
  • I found this to be very moisturizing around my eye area. I tend to get dry around there, so this was a big plus. Plus... my eyelashes felt so soft!

I hope you enjoyed this DIY, and let us know if it works for you! I'm always intrigued with incorporating everyday items into beauty routines, so share yours below. ♦

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2 Ingredient DIY Makeup Remover - mix olive oil and water for a hydrating, all-natural makeup remover!
Awesome DIY! Love the bottle.
#1 Leslie (Homepage) on 2014-02-12 14:43 (Reply)
This is so brilliant -- I spent a fortune on eye-makeup remover, AND I have super-dry skin!
#2 Thalia on 2014-02-12 16:10 (Reply)
Thanks, Thalia!
#3 Allyssa (Homepage) on 2014-02-12 20:18 (Reply)
Sorry, Leslie! Got my names mixed up :-)
#4 Allyssa (Homepage) on 2014-02-12 20:22 (Reply)
I'm right with you, Thalia! Let me know how it works for you :-)
#5 Allyssa (Homepage) on 2014-02-12 21:25 (Reply)
I cannot wait to try this! It will save me major $$$. Thanks for the post!
#6 Jessica (Homepage) on 2014-02-12 21:47 (Reply)
Awesome, thanks for the tip- i'll be sure to try it out. I generally use coconut oil to remove makeup and it works great and is excellent for the skin but I'm always open to new things!
#7 peak 25 on 2014-02-13 03:15 (Reply)
Wow that sounds great! I love hearing about cheap tips like these. Does the oil irritate your eyes at all?
#8 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2014-02-13 03:34 (Reply)
You're welcome :-) Let us know how it works for you!
#9 Allyssa (Homepage) on 2014-02-13 09:20 (Reply)
Coconut oil is another one of my favorites! I used it for a while as well. Both ways work GREAT :-)
#10 Allyssa (Homepage) on 2014-02-13 09:23 (Reply)
It didn't irritate my eyes at all, but I did read if you get it in your eye it can cause some blurred vision for a few minutes from the oily film. To avoid this, I keep my eyes closed the entire time while applying and rubbing the makeup remover to break it down, then use my face wash to wash my face including the eye area. It washes away the oil and the makeup..hope that helps :-)
#11 Allyssa (Homepage) on 2014-02-13 09:26 (Reply)
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