The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

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Although I wear contact lenses most of the time, I rely on my trusty glasses in the evenings, lazy mornings and times when I just need to give my eyes a break. So when GlassesUSA offered to send me a free pair of eyeglasses, I jumped on the opportunity to try a new style frame. Besides, as all contact- and glasses-wearers know, it's a good idea to have a spare pair handy in case of emergencies.

Ordering prescription eyeglasses from the site is simple and straightforward. The only downside is that you obviously can't try on the frames to see how they suit your face, so if you're a first-time buyer, I would recommend shopping in-person at a boutique instead. But if you're a veteran like myself, and you know exactly what you want (in my case, I wanted narrow rectangular solid black plastic "hipster-meets-sexy-librarian" frames), then offers a nice selection that won't overwhelm at very affordable prices.

I think I received my prescription glasses just two days after ordering, a definite plus, packed neatly in a hard storage case along with a discount code to use on future purchases. I got the "Joey Black" style (shown above), just $34.95 w/lenses, and I can't believe how cute they look (at least I think so!)

I'm no eye doctor but my new glasses are lightweight, comfortable and perfectly correct my vision. Once again, if you haven't been to your eye doctor in a while, I'd advise going to the pros in person to get new glasses, but if you do go for regular check-ups and just want to try out a new style on a budget, GlassesUSA might be right for you.

Recommended Reading:

Thanks to GlassesUSA for the new specs! P.S. Use code Mommy5 to get 5% off your final order. No expiration!

Is that you, Dianna?
#1 angie (Homepage) on 2009-08-03 22:53 (Reply)
Yes, that's me in a highly retouched photo. Thank you, Photoshop!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2009-08-04 09:51 (Reply)
I got so carried away with the pretty picture that I didn’t even see that you linked to my blog post. Thank you :0).
#2 angie (Homepage) on 2009-08-03 23:01 (Reply)
You look LOVELY in the new specs, doll! And my gosh, thanks for the shout-out.
#3 Sally (Homepage) on 2009-08-04 11:25 (Reply)
Wow those are cute! I think that's cheaper than Costco, never occurred to me to do it online, will have to bookmark this site!
#4 Trude (Homepage) on 2009-08-04 12:31 (Reply)
Thanks for the post!! Just yesterday I was telling the boyfriend that I wanted a new pair of glasses. Like you, I wear my contacts most of the time. So, I've had the same pair of glasses for 2 years. Definitely time for a change! I'm looking for a pair of olive green glasses. I can't wait to check out the site. Thanks.
#5 Jenn (Homepage) on 2009-08-04 13:42 (Reply)
Are they only available in US? The new glasses look great on you! You've totally got that sexy librarian look down pat.
#6 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2009-08-04 21:23 (Reply)
I just FINALLY ordered my night time driving glasses. I've had the script since January. Thanks for giving me a cheap place and a discount code. You ROCK!
#7 Chrissy on 2009-09-15 20:16 (Reply)
Hey BB!
Your coupon code expired. I just went to order my 2nd pair from them. I left my 1st pair in the hot sun and they melted!
#8 Chrissy on 2010-11-29 15:04 (Reply)
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