The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Perfect Pair of Leggings

Our hunt for the perfect pair of leggings ends here. After weeks of searching for decent leggings, we bought these beauties from Twelve by Twelve and they are nothing short of PERFECT!

They're soft, thick and warm, with the perfect width waistband. Just the thing for pairing with this season's sweaters dresses and long tunic styles. Plus, they have an amazing snap closure at the ankle that adds just a hint of stylish detail. Got ours in basic black, but they're also available in olive or charcoal. The verdict: 5 stars, baby!!

Twelve by Twelve Medalist Athletic Pant, $18.00
BB, you've read my mind once again!
i've been looking for warmer leggings (not the ultra-flimsy nylony type) for ages!
#1 maggie z on 2007-11-03 11:41 (Reply)
I agree! For winter the thicker leggings are essential! I unfortunately wore mine on a warm day accidentally and then almost fainted, lol!
#2 peaches (Homepage) on 2007-11-04 10:59 (Reply)
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