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Shop Mulberry for Target Before Anyone Else This Friday on Gilt

Shop Mulberry for Target Before Anyone Else This Friday on Gilt

For the first time ever, Target is teaming up with Gilt Groupe to offer its members an exclusive advance look at select items from three of the big-box retailer's upcoming limited-time only designer capsule collections, namely Tucker, Mulberry, and John Derian.

Pinch me, I must be dreaming.

Mark your calendars for Friday, August 20, when at 12 noon ET, members will be able to shop apparel by Tucker, bags by Mulberry and home goods by John Derian before anyone else.

Joining is free and easy, click here to register if you're not already a member.

ha, you beat me to it - mine is scheduled for the morning. I know I'm excited!
#1 Megan, The Frugalista Diaries (Homepage) on 2010-08-16 19:29 (Reply)
Mulberry for Target - now they are teaming up Gilt. The best middle August news ever :-)
#2 Christina on 2010-08-16 19:34 (Reply)
Yay, definitely penciling this event in!
#3 Nicole on 2010-08-16 22:44 (Reply)
12 noon ET? Damn, that's right when I go into work here on the West Coast, and the worst thing is no personal internet browsing/online shopping on my work computers while at work. Boo hoo hoo! I hope stuff won't get sold out before I have an opportunity to browse!
#4 Libby (Homepage) on 2010-08-17 00:39 (Reply)
I will be there, thanks for the heads up Diva!
#5 budget chic on 2010-08-17 03:02 (Reply)
BB, do you know if these bags are going to be leather?
#6 Budget Chic on 2010-08-17 09:06 (Reply)
is there a preview of the mulberry for target bags available now? or is everyone just gonna find out what the line looks like after the gilt event?
#7 chelsea on 2010-08-17 10:34 (Reply)
i wonder if they will still offer free shipping like target does on their site. if not i'll probably wait until it's in stores or on :-/
#8 aly on 2010-08-17 12:40 (Reply)
Girl, this was a serious waste of my time. Everything was sold out at 12pm. So unless you have a paid membership to Gilt, don't even bother, the free membership is worthless for something like this. Target is really starting to work my nerves! I'm really going to stop buying into their tactics.
#9 budget chic on 2010-08-20 11:07 (Reply)
I, too, thought everything had sold out immediately. But the fact that the site only said "In Members Carts" gave me a little hope. After hitting the refresh button like a madwoman for about 15 minutes, success! I managed to purchase one of the denim satchels!
#9.1 Amy on 2010-08-20 11:24 (Reply)
@ Amy - I was not going through that. The bags were not good, I was really disappointed. Wanted one of the dresses but didn't want to waste any more of my time, they will be in the stores in a few weeks.
#10 Budget Chic on 2010-08-20 14:53 (Reply)
Do you know that dates when Mulberry will be at Target?
#11 Koko on 2010-09-01 10:09 (Reply)
Mulberry for Target will be available at Target stores and on from October 10 to December 24th, 2010.
#11.1 The Budget Babe on 2010-09-06 19:53 (Reply)
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