The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Find Amazing Local Deals through

With the growing popularity of deal-a-day and social networking saving sites, such as Groupon and LivingSocial, I began exploring ways to offer Budget Babe readers some of those sweet deals directly through my blog. So when I was approached by a, I knew I had found something you guys would love. Sqoot basically aggregates local deals from dozens of top deal websites and presents them in one easy to use format which I've embedded on my site in the DEALS NEAR YOU category (located in the top nav).

Visit that page whenever you want to find great deals on things like spa treatments, fitness lessons, dining experiences and much more, right in your own neighborhood. If you find something you love and decide to make a purchase, will receive a (very) small commission. I hope you'll think of it as dropping some change in the "tip jar" if you like what you see and score a bargain. Check it out and let me know what you think, especially if you have suggestions for improvement.

Great idea BB! This sounds like Cakedeals which does the same thing too.
#1 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2011-03-14 01:28 (Reply)
Hadn't heard of them, I'll have to check them out!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2011-03-14 12:07 (Reply)
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