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When Beauty Goes Bad: Some Basic Makeup Expiration Guidelines

Spring cleaning season is upon us, and if you're thinking about organizing your makeup drawer, you'll want to know the shelf life of all those precious products before you give them the heave-ho. NYC makeup artist Susmta Patel offers some tips on when it's time to say adios to your cosmetics.

  • Most powders, concealers and lip balms are anhydrous (they don't contain water), so they can last for a couple of years, says Susmta.

  • Cleansers and moisturizers often contain fatty acids, which can turn rancid quickly. Toss after six months.

  • Multi-use products such as 3-in-1 sticks and creams can spread germs from lips to eyes and cheeks. Wipe the surface before switching areas, and discard or replace after six months.

  • Pencils can last several years unless you wet the tip with saliva or water. To be safe, sharpen before each use.

  • Mascara should be tossed after three months without fail. The tube is a breeding ground for bacteria," says Susmta.

  • Foundations can last up to a year if you keep your fingers away from the bottle. Instead, use a sponge to apply.

  • Store cosmetics in a cool, dry place outside the bathroom to extend their shelf life.

  • "If you have a hard time keeping track of when you've bought things, just write down the purchase date," suggests Susmta.

If you know how to take care of your cosmetics, your makeup should serve you well. But use common sense: If your gloss is goopy, your nail polish is separating, or your lipstick has a funny smell, it's time to bid it adieu. To see guidelines for when to replace your makeup, read on.

  • Concealer Up to 12 months.

  • Powder 2 years.

  • Cream & gel cleansers 1 year.

  • Pencil eye liner Should be sharpened regularly. Will last up to 3 years.

  • Eyeshadow Will also last up to 3 years.

  • Brushes Wash every 2-3 months in a mild detergent.

  • Sponges Wash weekly and discard monthly.

  • Foundation Check the ingredients: A water-based foundation will last up to 12 months, oil-based will last up to 18 months. You may find you need two different shades of foundation each year: One for summer when your skin is naturally darker and one for winter when you're lighter. Extra tip: If your water-based foundation dries out before its expiration date, simply add a few drops of alcohol-free toner and shake to mix it in. No need to do this to oil-based foundations. Because they contain oil, they will tend to separate. You have to shake anyway.

  • Lip liner Up to 3 years.

  • Lipstick Some experts say 1-2 years. Others say up to 4 years. What everyone agrees on is that if it smells rancid, throw it out, it's spoiled.

  • Mascara This product expires the fastest: Throw out after 4 months. Extra tip: If you don't want your mascara to expire faster than its fresh date, don't pump the wand in and out -- you're only exposing the product to drying air.

  • Nail Polish Up to 12 months.

With the exception of mascara, foundation and lipgloss, I tend to keep most makeup for years. What about you?

Visit to learn more about Susmta Patel.
Yes, with the exception of mascara and lip gloss (and my Stila tm which usually has a listed expiration date due to the spf), I keep my stuff for a while. I toss out lip glosses after one to two years if they're looking (or smelling) funky. I think eyeshadows, bronzers, and blushers (including blush sticks) can last a while if you keep them and your brushes clean. It would be way too costly to throw out my Stila, Smashbox, and Clinique products that often! Ideally, I'm sure she is right, though.
#1 Erin on 2011-05-10 16:27 (Reply)
Nail polish after 12 months? No way. I've had some of mine for years and they're still fine.
#2 Sarah on 2011-05-10 17:31 (Reply)
I agree!!! I have some lipsticks and powders for years as well! Don't use dirty brushes, and don't be dumb with your products and they'll be fine. Us Americans and our germ aversion.
#2.1 Juliana on 2011-05-10 20:10 (Reply)
No kidding on the nail polish! I don't have a huge collection, but some NP bloggers have hundreds of bottles.. I can imagine them eyerolling at the suggestion to toss that all out after a year!
Just use thinner (not remover) if it gets gloopy.

The only thing I'm a stickler about is mascara, I find it performs better when fresh anyway. That's also a good reason to use drugstore mascara IMO. Otherwise, if something smelled funny I'd toss it, but overall I'm pretty good about hygiene, and no one else uses my stuff, so..
#2.2 aloix on 2011-05-10 23:06 (Reply)
Agreed, some of the precautions are a bit extreme I find. Most of my things last forever! If my shadows start cracking, then I'll toss them out, but I've never had problems with my makeup going bad that fast, and I even store it all in a bathroom drawer.
#3 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2011-05-11 01:51 (Reply)
Yeah, I usually keep my stuff way too long, but even drugstore makeup can be pretty pricey so I hate to throw it out after a few months. If I'm feeling especially industrious, I'll write the date I bought something on the packaging with Sharpie so I'll have an idea of when to toss it.

I keep nail polish until it is too clumpy to use.
#4 Sara (Homepage) on 2011-05-11 10:43 (Reply)
I have to agree, I ususally follow the guidelines on mascara and toss stuff when it just doesn't look right anymore and that goes for makeup and nail polish. I wash my brushes once a month anyway and switch lipglosses often. I've been using mineral makeup for years and have never had a problem.
#5 The Dazzling Diva (Homepage) on 2011-05-12 07:31 (Reply)
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