The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: Jennifer Meyer Wishbone Pendant

Jennifer Meyer's wishbone pendant necklace is $1,200 at Barneys New York.

Jennifer Meyer at ShopStyle

Meyer's simple yet unique designs are popular with Hollywood A-listers, and her wishbone pendant was worn by Jennifer Aniston's character in the movie He's Just Not That Into You.

If you've been looking for something similar, Baublebar has a great option for just $32. It's a pretty piece you can wear everyday and who knows, it might even bring you a little luck. Click the image below to shop!

adored this necklace ages ago; thrilled to see BB with it. On my WISH list!
#1 alyson (Homepage) on 2011-07-18 21:28 (Reply)
had a feeling there were still people looking for the perfect wishbone pendant, it's hard to find one that's delicate and "just right" - enjoy!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2011-07-19 17:39 (Reply)
Great find. Definitely a more budget-friendly option!!

Girl in the Poodle Shoes
^Follow the link to come visit my style blog…!
#2 Casey Lynn (Homepage) on 2011-07-20 22:58 (Reply)
You can also search etsy for more budget-friendly variations. I think it's cuter when the hole for the chain is on the wishbone, but that's harder to find.
#3 Deb (Homepage) on 2011-07-26 20:42 (Reply)
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