The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Ideology Activewear for Macy's Preview

This spring, Macy's is launching a new activewear and accessories line called Ideology, and earlier this month, BB staff writer KC got to preview the line for us in New York City. The line includes sleek modern sportswear like yoga pants, sports bras, shorts, tees and tanks in slimming silhouettes and fabrics that wick away sweat. It's an affordable, easy-to-wear collection that you can mix and match for yoga, pilates, the gym, you name it. I'm not a huge fan of tie-dye but I think it works well for work-out wear. Still, I'd like to see a little more creativity with this line - then again, I don't work out a lot these days (I walk a lot, but don't hit the gym) so I should probably keep my commentary to myself. Enjoy more of KC's photos after the jump, including a shot of Rob Kardashian who DJ'ed the event.

{Dancing With the Stars' Cheryl Burke and DJ Rob Kardashian}

Photos by KC
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