The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

NIVEA Celebrates National PDA Day: A Recap, Plus Free Lip Balm!

Earlier, I told you about NIVEA's National PDA Day celebrations, now here's a recap of the day's events, which took place June 20th. But first, head to NIVEA's Facebook page for a chance to win a $200 Date Night and upload a picture to receive a free lip balm! With the goal of creating a more affectionate society, NIVEA celebrated from coast-to-coast in 11 cities offering exciting events, fun and games, celebrating the power of touch and the season of love.

Starting off in New York City, couples were invited to Herald Square for a "coffee and a cuddle" themed "morning date," hosted by talk show host Wendy Williams. Bill and Giuliana Rancic joined Wendy for PDA Day-themed games before the trio introduces an exclusive concert by music sensation Ne-Yo, who performed tracks from his new album R.E.D. — which stands for "Realizing Every Dream" – out this September.

To help spread the PDA Day message from coast-to-coast, Bill, Guiliana, Wendy and NE-Yo left Herald Sqaure and flew immediately to Los Angeles, where Bill, Giuliana and Wendy were at the Grove for more on-stage fun plus a romantic "table-for-two" PDA Day celebration -- and later another Ne-Yo concert.

Additionally, in nine cities across the country, NIVEA sent PDA Day Patrols to invite couples to celebrate PDA Day and experience fun outdoor promotions, NIVEA products and date night giveaways. Those cities include: Columbus, OH; Chicago, IL; Seattle WA; Austin, TX; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Atlanta, GA; Phoenix, AZ; San Francisco, CA and Oklahoma City, OK.

Thousands of consumers engaged and sampled in NY, LA and the nine other markets.

NIVEA’s National PDA Day celebration is the latest initiative in the brand’s year-long Million Moments of Touch Movement, which kicked off last February. With over 100,000 consumers having already pledged to kiss, touch and hug more often, NIVEA is getting closer and closer to its goal creating a more affectionate society. One NIVEA "Touch" occurs every 10 seconds across the country.

Don't forget, there's still time to join the fun! Visit NIVEA on Facebook for a chance to win a $200 Date Night, and upload a picture to receive a free lip balm.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.
is that the grove?
#1 Liz (Homepage) on 2012-08-16 12:31 (Reply)
Yes, it is!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2012-08-16 12:45 (Reply)
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