The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Off the Rack: Seeing Progress at My Local JCPenney Store

JCPenney is making some big changes.

This past Thursday I made a trip to my local Westfield shopping center to make some returns at JCPenney (I had ordered some home decor items online from the Happy Chic collection that just didn't look right once I got them in my house). Anyways, after making my returns, I took a stroll through the store to check out the progress being made, and I have to say things are looking good.

The most noticeable change was the addition of a Sephora boutique - it looked amazing, with gorgeous glossy displays and loud dance music blaring (my mom would hate this, and honestly I had to stay away because my little one had fallen asleep in the Ergo and I couldn't risk having the music wake him up). Another cute new boutique was the Disney section, something I would have walked past previously but now as a mom I had to stop to check things out.

My favorite new section is still the Joe Fresh - love it - and the Levi's section. I also think the JCP basics are worthwhile. I also scoped out the home section for the first time and it looked amazing, especially the Happy Chic display and the Martha Stewart craft section. The only sad thing? The lack of people. I could have crawled under the Jonathan Adler comforter and taken a nap and no one would have even noticed. Ah, sleep...

Have you been tracking the changes at your JCPenney store? Do you like what you see? Still rooting for them? I am!
JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

JCPenney is making some big changes.

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What brand is the white sleeveless top in the second to last picture?
#1 Christina on 2013-10-21 11:40 (Reply)
I think it was in the Olsenboye section but I'm not 100% sure. It's really lovely, isn't it?!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-10-22 20:37 (Reply)
I popped into my local JCPenney not too long ago to check out their Joe Fresh and Happy Chic collections in person and was sad to find out that not only did they not carry either collection in the store, the staff didn't even know what they were! I'm still loving the selection online, but I hate to order anything when I haven't been able to see them in real life.
#2 Jessie (Homepage) on 2013-10-21 11:58 (Reply)
I love JCP. I found a cashmere sweater on clearance for $3!! Not sure what happened...the quality of clothing is the same and the prices are good even without the coupons you get through the email and mail. I just wish my store has a Sephora in it. :-(
#3 Liz on 2013-10-21 13:40 (Reply)
I completely agree with you - I love shopping there, but sometimes I feel like I am the only one! Still I always find great pieces & I love that they have brought back their sales & coupons :-)
#4 Kimberly (Homepage) on 2013-10-21 14:20 (Reply)
Loving what I see in the l'amour collection + that lace top. Also, that last picture - are those bath mats? I didn't see anything like it on!
#5 Jenn (Homepage) on 2013-10-21 16:24 (Reply)
Yes! In the jcp home section on sale for $10.
#5.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-10-22 20:36 (Reply)
I never really considered JCP a store I'd shop in but after visiting a Sephora inside of JCP I found that they have really cute and affordable clothing!

I recommend giving it a shot :-)
#6 Leslie (Homepage) on 2013-10-21 16:39 (Reply)
Hi there! maybe we could follow each other on Bloglovin and/or GFC, Facebook?

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#7 Kstylick (Homepage) on 2013-10-21 20:16 (Reply)
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