The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Spot the Real: Rebecca Minkoff Palm Print Shorts

Can you guess which palm print shorts cost more?
Nothing says summer like palm leaf prints on a cute pair of shorts, skirt or romper. Just take a peek at fashion blogger Song of Style's palm-print shorts and button-down shirt look, or Bows & Sequins' palm-print shorts and blazer outfit for inspiration. Rebecca Minkoff's adorable Valencia shorts are $198 at, but you can get a taste of the tropics for just $29.94 elsewhere (plus 35% off regular priced styles with code PERFECT). Can you guess which shorts cost more? Click a link below to find out!


Browse more palm-leaf picks under $100:

Another great post. Thanks!

#1 Liv (Homepage) on 2015-05-26 16:30 (Reply)
The Old Navy pair are so much cuter! Great find!

Wishes & Reality
#2 H (Homepage) on 2015-05-26 22:04 (Reply)
Wow those leaf printed shorts are awesome (the ones on the left)! I'm wandering though if I can get them from ebay instead? Apparently they only ship to US and Canada and I am now living in UK. I hope I'll find the same shorts on ebay.
#3 Bethany Hughes on 2015-05-27 03:57 (Reply)
Wow. You got me. Thought for sure it would be the ones on the left because the colors are more appealing and the fit is way more flattering. Thanks!
#4 Rebecca P in Florida on 2015-05-28 07:41 (Reply)
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