The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Royal Look for Less: Kate Middleton's Tweed Blazer and Skirt

Katie Middleton Tweed Blazer and Skirt Look for Less
Kate Middleton does matching in a chic way with this tweed blazer and skirt! Winter weather is still going strong, so if you're going to brave a skirt, be sure to layer up with a pair of tights - and they're a steal at Target for just $8! Keep your shoes neutral with black chunky heeled pumps, either suede or velvet for an extra luxurious touch. Depending on your occasion, you could opt for a different style of bag, but her delicate clutch goes perfectly with this ladylike look!

Kate Middleton Tweed Blazer and Skirt
Photo credit: James Whatling / MEGA



Links of the Day:

I'm loving this straw circle tote - THE summer must-have bag and under $20!

I splurged on these open-toe flats after trying some faux leather dupes that just weren't comfortable. I know I'll get a lot of wear out of them and they're still half the price of these Free People ones!

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