The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Gigi Hadid's ONETEASPOON Denim Shirt, Lace Bralette, and Mom Jeans Look for Less

Gigi Hadid Denim Shirt White Bralette Lightning Purse Mom Jeans
Denim on denim! It's a hard look to pull off, but model Gigi Hadid gets it right with this brave street style. Her ONETEASPOON Zephyr Liberty Shirt, white lace bralette, and high-waisted mom jeans make a big statement with the coolest vibes. We know, the exposed bralette may be a bit much for your next stroll down the sidewalk - but a lacy tank can give the same sexiness that makes this menswear-inspired look pop! Her dressed up booties paired with casual jeans and lightning bolt bag add a fun edginess to it all.

A slicked back ponytail shows off the ever-so-trendy mini sunglasses look that can be seen everywhere this summer! Our pick is one that can be worn to work or the beach (so much bang for your buck!)

The piece that has us most excited of all is the Levi's denim shirt on sale at Macy's for $25! It goes with everything, and can be thrown on easily to tie any outfit together.

I also can't wait to scoop up these awesome "mom jeans" from Abercrombie. Hey, as a mom of three, I'll rock these pants like nobody's business! Enjoy shopping this look and making it your own!

Gigi Hadid Denim Shirt White Bralette Mom Jeans
Photo credit: MEGA


SHIRT // Gigi is wearing the ONETEASPOON Zephyr Liberty Shirt

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