The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Amazon Find: Snake Print Chiffon Cardigan

Snake Print Cardigan Flat Lay
As a gal with mostly neutral colors in her closet, it didn't take much arm twisting to get me on board with the snake print trend. I am, however, very picky about how much I spend on styles that tend to come and go (and maybe come back again), so sites like Amazon are the perfect way to give them a "test run" before committing a good chunk of my bank account. That's why I was pleased to find this lightweight printed cardigan for $19!

Snake Print Cardigan Outfit
Typically I wear small or medium in tops, depending on the brand/fit, but knowing this was going to be oversized I opted for a small and I'm glad I did. For reference, I am 5'8" and it hits about mid-thigh on me. I like that there are no slits or frills or weird high-low cut to this piece - it's simple and for that reason it lays nicely.

The best part is that it comes in a ton of different prints and patterns (I'm eyeing the leopard one now!). I'm not disappointed with it in any way; it's a very thin chiffon so don't expect warmth or weight with this one, but I liked that about it.

I recently styled it with a black fitted dress I got from T.J. Maxx (similar here), a statement necklace from Target (similar here), and these BP booties (similar here). Four pieces and done! Going into fall, the above flat lay will be my go-to, swapping the dress for jeans and a bodysuit (both from American Eagle Outfitters).

Are you a fan of the snake print? Let us know if you decide to give this cardigan a try!

SHOP: Lightweight Chiffon Cardigan, $19 on

Love it, looks so good on you! Thanks for the detailed review! I’ve been thinking about a snakeskin piece and this would be perfect.
❤️ Brooke
#1 Brooke Tosovsky on 2019-08-31 14:52 (Reply)
Thank you, Brooke! Let me know how you like it once you wear it!!
#1.1 Kailan Kalina on 2019-09-04 09:43 (Reply)
Love this chiffon cardigan, I recently featured a snakeskin print trench coat, perfect for fall. Let me know what you think of it:
#2 Tanya (Homepage) on 2019-09-20 12:46 (Reply)
You look amazing, thanks for stopping by Tanya! Love your style.
#3 The Budget Babe on 2019-09-21 11:34 (Reply)
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