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The Beauty Products You Use Everyday

Part of my day job requires me to listen to the Dr. Mehmet Oz show on Oprah & Friends radio, and as a result, I learn all sorts of neat science stuff and have even been inspired to make some healthier choices in my everyday life. I now eat things like psyllium husk, agave nectar, hemp milk, and quinoa. It almost makes me want to roll my eyes at myself, but hey, it's good to be good to yourself.

So one of the latest things I learned on the show is that a survey by The Environmental Working Group found that the average woman uses 12 personal care products per day. This is an interesting fact on many levels...
...First, it shows just how high-maintenance the modern woman has become; the value we place on physical beauty and appearance; and the extent to which we expose ourselves to potentially harmful toxins which are found in said products.

The message of the show was basically to educate women about the hazards and encourage us to cut out some of those products from our daily routine to limit the health risks. Problem is, I'm not sure what I could possibly cut out. Here's what I use on a daily basis:

1. Shampoo
2. Conditioner
3. Bodywash
4. Facewash
5. Contact solution
6. Eye-makeup remover
7. Mascara
8. Face lotion
9. Lip balm
10. Blush
11. Deodorant

Of course, there are a slew of other products I use frequently, although perhaps not on a daily basis:
12. Shaving cream
13. Body lotion
14. Cuticle cream
15. Lip gloss
16. Bronzer
17. Eyeliner
18. Defrizz hair serum
19. Concealer
20. Tinted moisturizer/Foundation
21. Powder
22. Exfoliating body scrub
23. Foot scrub
24. Nail polish
25. Nail polish remover
26. Professional hair dye

As you can see, that's a lot of product. Personally, I am trying to gradually shift to more "natural" bath and beauty products, although it's really tricky knowing exactly what's in a product regardless of what's on the label. I am also no longer addicted to lip gloss (which I used to eat off my lips and reapply constantly...ew). I'm also stretching the time between my visits to the salon although there's no way I'm giving up the blond. I've also switched to Tom's of Maine toothpaste and I'm a huge fan of Burt's Bees products. Finally, I'm trying to avoid fragrances altogether which is easy for me to do because most scents really bug me to begin with.

I'm curious to know if any of you are worried about chemicals in beauty products and what steps you're taking to minimize the potential health risks. How many personal care products do you use on a daily basis? Would you consider cutting anything out of your beauty regimen?

Excellent web site to check all products.
#1 Anonymous on 2008-10-18 08:52 (Reply)
Thanks! You'll see I've actually hyperlinked their website in paragraph 2 above.

Another great site that they're affiliated with is:

#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2008-10-18 09:01 (Reply)
I don't use that many products on a daily basis.

body wash
face wash

Of course, throw in there shampoo on certain days, lipstick, hairspray, etc....
#2 Whitney (Homepage) on 2008-10-18 13:04 (Reply)
Yeah, I've used most of those products at one point, but definitely not all of those in one day, or even two! But we are definitely more high maintenance than guys, haha.
#3 Celeste (Homepage) on 2008-10-18 14:07 (Reply)
So true. And I should mention that during the winter, I usually wash my hair every 2 to 3 days, otherwise it gets dry like hay.
#3.1 The Budget Babe on 2008-10-19 17:09 (Reply)
I started listing the personal care products I use every day and found the list to be too long to post here. Gah! If one were to look at the list, they might think I'm the most high-maintenance girl on Earth, but I've got my "getting ready" routine down so well that it truly doesn't take me very long to make myself pretty each morning. I'm a complete product junkie (and I don't plan on changing that any time soon!) - more so with hair products, skin care, and make-up - I'm not all that interested in buying every body or shower product out there. Aaanyway ... As a product junkie, I'll admit there's not very much that I'm willing to give up. I have been using certain items less, particularly make-up items, but for the most part I, too, am simply trying to switch to certified natural and/or organic products. The few that I have switched to have worked just as well or better and I can almost always pronounce every ingredient listed! :-) I plan to keep continuing the switch, and maybe someday I'll be able to part with some of my every day must-haves.
#4 Katie on 2008-10-18 15:28 (Reply)
I honestly don't use many products. Deodarant, body wash, lip gloss, mascara, and perfume. I have a pretty even skin tone, and no eye bags.
#5 Joann on 2008-10-18 15:40 (Reply)
Hey Budgetbabe,

I like this post although I am sure I go well beyond the list of 12 per day... I also started to use more natural alternatives since about 2 years ago. I love this site It has very affordable and great quality mineral make-up. I have been using high end products like Lancôme, Bobbi Brown, Laura Mercier and I am so pleased with these products. Anyway, if you try it, let me know what you think. Also, there's a free sample kit on the site.

#6 Kay (Homepage) on 2008-10-19 21:44 (Reply)
I use California Baby organic sun screen. It's a great product. They also have bug spray and shampoos.
#6.1 Vic on 2008-10-21 15:00 (Reply)
Yes, I'm totally concerned about the chemicals in my personal care products. After reading the Environmental Working Group's site listing the risks for each of the chemiclas in the things I use, I stopped using everything for a few weeks! That didn't work out for long. Anyone know a sunscreen that's low on chemicals but doesn't leave one's face looking like a ghost? I'm also on the prowl for a deoderant without aluminum that works well and am going to try Jane Iredale mineral makeup this week. It's a gradual switch, but one I really want to make. Would love to read more about low chem products that work just as well as their counterparts!
#7 Becca on 2008-10-20 11:16 (Reply)
I'm reluctant to use sunscreen daily...might protect us from the sun, but what's protecting us from the sunscreen? Plus I want to make sure I'm getting my daily dose of vitamin D...

As for deodorant, try Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Deodorant. It's aluminum-free and I've found it works really well (my boyfriend uses it and he smells great!)
#7.1 The Budget Babe on 2008-10-20 23:02 (Reply)
I've been using Tom's deodorant for several years to avoid the aluminum. It works pretty well. I do find I need to reapply it some days - so I keep one in my desk drawer at work, but it's less than $5 at my grocery or local Target.
#7.1.1 Rae on 2008-11-24 12:08 (Reply)
Thanks for replying! I'm with you on nixing the sunscreen, but it's really tough for me not to put it on here in southern Florida. The rays are so strong here. Sunscreen isn't the best but when I'm outside melting from the sun, I'm concerned about skin cancer or, worse (ha ha), brown spots and lots of wrinkles! Someone needs to set me straight.

Sounds like a great deodorant. Is it at available at any stores? Looks like maybe Vitamin Shoppe.

p.s. Turns out Jane Iredale is not Budget Babe-friendly makeup because of my...budget.
#8 Becca on 2008-10-21 08:08 (Reply)
I use a lot of beauty products, but in an attempt to cut out some of the toxis that exist in them I use all natural thing- the stuff without parabens (

The only thing I haven't really been able to use in the 'all natural' style is the deodorant... I just can't bring myself to use the hippie kind that does a good job of preventing smell, but wetness not so much.

I've found natural make-up, body wash, shampoo and conditioner, face wash (I'm kinda in love with the BeFine line-
#9 Justine Urbikas on 2008-10-21 21:11 (Reply)
The older I get, the more I recognize what I really need/like to use. Those are the items I stick with and it really has helped me cut down. For example, I don't like the feel of lipstick. Which means I never use a whole tube...ever. So I don't buy it anymore. Now I just use a tinted lip balm.
#10 Jen on 2010-04-19 08:28 (Reply)
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