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Poll: Is the Slumping Economy Cramping Your Style?

Dear Husband and I have definitely been affected by the economy. As we live in an area of Northern California where living expenses are already high, the increasing price of energy (gas and electric), automobile fuel, and food has made us re-evaluate our spending habits. In many ways, though, the changes have been good - A faltering economy makes one ask the questions, "Is this item a need or a want? If this item is a want, is it an investment? Will I use/wear this over the long-run?" Even though my wardrobe is paying quite a price, I find that the relationships in my life have strengthened, even as our economy has weakened. As the saying goes: When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.
#1 Katie on 2008-10-22 12:44 (Reply)
Yes, it is.
#2 Alexandria J (Homepage) on 2008-10-22 13:25 (Reply)
definitely, but it's a good thing like katie said. i'm looking at the bigger picture, figuring out more mixing and matching in my over-stuffed closet, getting back to thrifting for OOAK pieces, and finally starting to pay off debt instead of spending more money on stuff that has no return. ugh- too bad it took fear to get me there. :-/
#3 v on 2008-10-22 13:35 (Reply)
As a college student, I must say that the economy isn't cramping my style as much it is for my friends back at home in the south. Let me explain: as they spend money on gas to power their cars to drive around, the money I'd be spending on a car I can spend on things like clothes for not many cities in Texas are walker-friendly or even have public transportation systems. That's one of the reasons I'm attending NYU because NYC is a city that's GREAT for walking, everything I need is pretty much no more than a 10 minute walk away and there's no deadly highways. And I can take the subway, even. I'm sure I could be spending this extra $$ on books or even saving for those college loans but...nooo!
#4 Aitch on 2008-10-22 13:50 (Reply)
I know its cramping my style. There are alot of businesses who are in trouble financially and there could be an unusual amount of lay off in 2009. I'm just being very caution about my spending, so shopping is wayyy down for me. I'm just trying to stick with necessary items this month.
#5 budget chic (Homepage) on 2008-10-22 13:56 (Reply)
No not really. we just have to be smart shoppers
#6 FASHION_GURU (Homepage) on 2008-10-22 15:59 (Reply)
Honestly, I was always such a bargain shopper before the economic crisis that nothing has changed as far as my finances are concerned. From grocery shopping to shoe shopping, I'm making sure I am getting the BEST of the best deals.
#7 Joann on 2008-10-22 17:02 (Reply)
College tuition, books and living expenses were already cramping my style. Though I probably am doing better than most because I don't Aitch I don't have as many expenses as friends back home that aren't going to school. When your in college its socially acceptable to go without a lot of "necessities." Those necessities save you a lot of money and leave a lot more of it for, economical, shopping :-).
#8 Jessica on 2008-10-23 02:22 (Reply)
I have always been a frugal shopper. Hence, I read your site daily for awesome tips.(Thanks BTW!) While our weak economy has made it financially difficult for most, I'm used to living on a tight budget and within my means. I am actually finding more awesome sales/ deals at various stores b/c of it. I firmly believe in every negative situation you have to take the good with the bad and make some lemonade. ;o)
#9 Cassy on 2008-10-23 11:56 (Reply)
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