The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Olivia Palermo's Shag Fur Coat and Liquid Leggings Look for Less

Olivia's shag fur coat is so chic!
Olivia Palermo showcases a modern twist on the classic fur-look coat. The shag detail brings the outerwear up to date, and we love the contrast with her matte liquid faux leather leggings.

One beautiful detail that makes the jacket pop is the smooth and shiny finish, giving it a glam touch.

Look a little closer and you'll see trendy accessories, like her leopard print mask, vintage sunnies, and leather headband that make the outfit extra cute!

Olivia is the queen of perfecting the delicate/tough combo, and she masters the technique once again by adding the cutest lace-up combat boots.

Her cozy, cream colored turtleneck breaks up the dark hues and softens the look just enough to make it wearable for any occasion.

I think it's safe to say Olivia is our sweater-season style muse!

Olivia's style is so chic!
Photo credit: Jose Perez/

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