The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale

Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale

I wanted to give you a heads up that the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale is going on now through June 6! This popular sale features limited-time discounts of up to 50% off women's, men's, kid's and home items.

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I feel like you could shop this sale one of two ways: Hone in on spring/summer essentials like shorts, swimsuits, tops, bags, sunglasses and sandals. Or, grab pieces now—while they're on major sale—that you can wear later in the fall.

Either way, don't wait because items tend to sell out quickly. I've rounded up some pieces that caught my eye, like the Barefoot Dreams cardigan, BlankNYC suede moto jacket, Sam Edelman sandals and Madewell shorts. Hope you find something good!

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