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Beauty Review: Physician's Formula Organic Wear Makeup Remover Towelettes

Beauty Review: Physician's Formula Organic Wear Makeup Remover Towelettes

No time to wash your face before bed? The Budget Babe's resident beauty expert Kiki Bella has a solution for even the busiest of beauty babes. —BB

by Kiki Bella
I have a beauty confession to make. There are some days when I am just too lazy to wash off my makeup before bed. That is a big beauty no-no as leaving makeup on at night will clog pores and not allow your skin to breathe, but come on people! Can you blame me? It just takes way too long to get all that off! Not to mention most makeup removers sting my eyes and make me smell all chemically before bed.

While shopping a couple of weeks ago I noticed Physicians Formula has come out with some additional products to add to their Organic Wear line, and I picked up a container of Organic Wear 100% Natural Origin Facial Makeup Remover Towelettes. Not usually a fan of this type of product, I was sucked in by the gorgeous packaging, and the sleek aluminum container is also recyclable when you're finished.

The towelettes are biodegradable, cruelty free, have no harsh chemicals, synthetic preservatives, parabens, GMO's, synthetic colors or synthetic fragrances. They smell so good, very fresh and clean, and the essential oils in the Eco-Aroma Therapy formula melt away stress as the wipes melt away makeup. I have very sensitive eyes and I had absolutely no reaction to these wipes, which is hugely important for me. My makeup came off easily and quickly, and my skin was left feeling very clean and soft, with no irritation or dryness.

The ingredient list reads more like a farmer's market shopping list then a serious makeup remover with things like orange fruit water, radish root, lemon peel oil, aloe vera juice, cucumber extract, soybean seed extract, lavender oil and olive leaf extract. Sounds delish and it does the job! I love this product, and while I don't use it daily I find it to be an essential new part of my beauty arsenal. There is nothing like coming home after a busy day and feeling like you can give yourself a quick facial and go to sleep with beautiful, soft and fresh skin (oh yeah, and its great for the planet too!)

Physician's Formula Organic Wear 100% Natural Origin Facial Makeup Remover Towelettes are available at most drugstores ($9.95 for 25). Visit for more info.
my only problems with those cleansers is there doesn't seem to be many that REALLY get you clean, especially with oily, breakout skin like mine :S I would really benefit though from it cuz I am LAAAAAZY.
#1 Wanderlusting (Homepage) on 2009-09-10 11:35 (Reply)
sounds like a great product to use! its a little pricier than the oil olay ones but i guess u gotta pay more for organic!
#2 Julie (Homepage) on 2009-09-10 11:41 (Reply)
Fabulous! I'm actually about to run out of my generic brand makeup remover. Maybe I'll have to see if my local store carries these ... Thanks for the review!
#3 Tiers of Joy (Homepage) on 2009-09-10 11:44 (Reply)

There is a rebate to receive this product for free !
#4 Ann Marie on 2009-09-10 14:30 (Reply)
Sounds great. I can't wait to try it out, I love organic makeup and mineral makeup, like this:
#5 Katheryn on 2009-09-10 14:42 (Reply)
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