The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: Mason Pearson Boar Bristle Brush

Mason Pearson at ShopStyle

Comb your tresses with the Rolls-Royce of hair brushes, the 'Popular' Mason Pearson hair brush, long revered by beauty buffs for its famous boar and nylon bristle combo, rubber cushioning and easy-grip handle. Yours for $151 at Barneys New York.

Get the same luxurious locks at a fraction of the price with Sonia Kashuk for Target's Bristle Hair Brush instead, currently $13.49 at

I'm always worried about brushes like that being too rough on my hair. Have you used it? Does it damage your ends?
#1 Aspiring Fashionista (Homepage) on 2009-11-05 16:21 (Reply)
I've never used either of these brushes, but I've used a boar bristle brush in the past and it was gentle--almost too gentle. Lots of people swear by them. The Sonia Kashuk brush also got 4 stars, you may want to read the reviews on the Target website for more deets! I'd love to give it a try, though :-)
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2009-11-05 17:08 (Reply)
"Look for less" brushes? More like don't bother with either option. How exactly is a $14 brush cheap? If you care about a designer harirbrush, then something is truly not right. $100+ is way too much for a brush and so is $14, it's just a hairbrush! Save yourself some dollars and buy one for about $5 from a beauty supply store and trust me, it will work just as well as both options above.
#2 Karin on 2009-11-05 19:41 (Reply)
What a fun twist on the look for less!
#3 Dina's Days (Homepage) on 2009-11-05 22:17 (Reply)
I was just reading a blog post about boar bristle brushes last week on the Sweet Spots beauty post. It said they are great for keeping your hair shiny and static free - as well as good for your scalp. I need a good brush, so I might just have to check the Sonia Kashuk brush out! I think spending $100+ on a brush is a little much, but $14 isn't bad if it has extra benefits!
#4 Chantal on 2009-11-06 10:38 (Reply)
Hmm I don't know about a designer brush. Rich people will buy anything expensive I think lol
#5 Giselle on 2009-11-06 19:10 (Reply)
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