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Ask BB: J.Crew Jeweled Sweatshirt Look for Less

I love the J.Crew embellished sweater (which seems to be sold out) but a $118 price tag is not in my budget. Can you find similar alternatives that give the same look but are cheaper? Thanks! —Liz

This sweatshirt is so popular - I've spotted it on a number of fashion bloggers and even a TV commercial (or two)! It's that perfect blend of casual luxury that resonates with so many women today. Here are some more affordable ways to get this look:
First up, LOFT's jewel embellished sweatshirt is a great lookalike for $54.50. Wear it with jeans or a leather flare skirt and ankle boots.

Next, Blu Pepper's embellished sweatshirt focuses the shine on the sleeves. ($58,

Similary, this J.Lo for Kohl's sweatshirt features rhinestone embellishments on the sleeves only. ($28.80, This would look cute with leggings and tall boots.

Finally, Old Navy has three embellished sweatshirt styles that I think you'll love for just $25 each (possibly less in store). I saw this one in person and from a distance the glitter dots looked like rhinestones. They also have one with a rhinestone embellished neckline that's really cute and fun for the holidays. Click the image to view all the available colors and styles.

Seen any other affordable options? Let Liz know in the comments!
Great similar options here - Forever 21 also has a duplicate style, which I own & love here:
#1 Kimberly (Homepage) on 2013-10-30 09:30 (Reply)
This is the best, thanks for sharing!!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-10-30 09:59 (Reply)
I hope they restock! I like this one too and you can't beat the price.
#1.2 Liz on 2013-10-30 10:31 (Reply)
In a small I meant.
#1.2.1 Liz on 2013-10-30 10:32 (Reply)
I second Kimberly's Forever 21 suggestion -- the design is lovely, it's really soft and feels like it's great quality.
#2 Tanya K on 2013-10-30 09:52 (Reply)
Thank you!!! I love all of these but I think the Loft one is my favorite. Thanks BB!
#3 Liz on 2013-10-30 10:27 (Reply)
glad to help! xo
#3.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-10-30 16:54 (Reply)
Loft is also having a 50% off deal right now through Nov. 2 if you use the code SHOPFALL. I just used it to purchase the sweatshirt above so it works!
#4 Meggie on 2013-10-31 10:54 (Reply)
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